Air Force One Film (1997) Unique Nickname Due To on Set Antics Fact: Gary Oldman was known as villain Ivan Korshunov in the movie Air Force One Film (1997). Off set, Gary … by Aquahoya1/ August 24, 2015/ Action, Drama/
Marvel Refrained Using Ant-Man and the Wasp in their Motion Pictures Fact: Edgar Wright requested Marvel (recently bought out by Disney), to refrain from using Ant Man and the Wasp in … by Aquahoya1/ July 21, 2015/ Action, Science Fiction/
The Highlander Film Series Was Not The Original Screenplay Fact: The Highlander film series originally was darker, grittier, and graphically violent in the original screenplay. Highlander was a screenplay written about … by Aquahoya1/ May 22, 2015/ Action, Adventure, Fantasy/
How Did Actor Richard Anderson Get The Leading Role In Macgyver? Fact: Actor Richard Anderson was the first pick of the litter when it came to the lead role of Macgyver. … by Aquahoya1/ May 21, 2015/ Action, Adventure/
Sharlto Copley Chappie Used Motion Capture For Robot Movement Fact: In Chappie, Sharlto Copleys behavioral mannerisms and voice are being used in what he says is a “poor mans … by Aquahoya1/ March 2, 2015/ Action, Adventure, Science Fiction/