Influx on Average Temperature of Earth Boosts Climate Change Supporters

Fact: According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the facts are that the average temperature of earth is on the rise whether it is believed or not.

Believe it or not, the earth’s temperatures are on the rise. Facts do not lie, and reality waits for no one. The reality of the situation is that average temperatures have steadily increased 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit or 0.8 degrees Celsius since 1880. While this seems trivial in a grand scheme… it isn’t. That is a huge increase in only the 130 years we have recorded. This issue during has a correlation on rising sea level effects as additional freshwater pours into the oceans on an increased rapid rate. Man-made global warming is real.


rising sea level effects


There have been many arguments recently addressed including: (1) Facts on global warming is all nonsense and scientists don’t know anything, (2) There is climate change, but it is a natural re-occurring process where human intervention plays no part (Human intervention hasn’t played a part), and (3) That climate change is real, and humans do have an impact.

Within some of these arguments, there are truths. Most of the time, scientists usually don’t know exactly how things will play out in research if anything. That is why it is called research. Once the research is conducted and scrutinized and tried to be discredited, can truths be stated? The fact of the matter is scientists are in a unanimous decision that it is happening. Additionally, climate change is actually a naturally occurring process but can be halted if the ratio of plant uptake equals that of the emissions. Lastly, humans do have a pivotal role in the rate at which this occurs. More so, humans have the rare ability to slow the process down. Reports, based on the work of some 2,500 scientists in more than 130 countries, concluded that humans have caused all or most of the current planetary warming (In an article from the National Geographic).

How could humans possibly affect the planet? Humans have a distinct need to be motivated and dominant. With societal constructs such as money (what society considers or defines as success) or dominance, there is greed. Coal and petroleum production is among just a very few that elevate climate change processes through mining, land stripping, deep-sea drilling, and fractionation that release more and more pockets of CO2 and Methane that would otherwise state encapsulated. Drilling has repercussions on plate tectonics like releasing pressure that had been contained. So, whether our emissions are numerous is not really the argument. Humans are fueling their own demise quicker whether they want to believe it or not. Now, how the earth deals with human activity is something scientists continually study, and some cool things have arisen.

Human intervention has started rearing itself with instances such as glacier retraction in Montana’s Glacier National Park, arctic ice disappearing, and coral reef bleaching or destruction of upwards of 70% in some reefs. What is occurring is that humans are helping expose CO2 and Methane deposits faster than plants can absorb it. Other alternatives are using renewable energy in homes, to decrease fossil fuel usage from individual households. This is one way of reducing the impact of climate change. However, what is additionally troubling is that these fossil fuels stay exposed in the atmosphere for years, so even if we clean up, the results wouldn’t show for some time. As a result, the entire world’s mass ecosystem completely shifts creating food shortages and droughts, oceans rising 7-23 inches by century end, and much stronger environmental hazards will become commonplace.

The fact is humans alter chemical processes through burning. Whenever physical changes occur to something, something is affected. By humans burning coal and fuels, we expose more and more causing more damaging greenhouse emissions.



  • Sea Level Rise – Map Viewer | NOAA (n.d.).


  • Stillman, D., & Green, J. (2014, May 14). What Is Climate Change? (S. May, Ed.). NASA.


  • Nunez, C. (2019, January 31). Global warming: Is it real? Get the facts. Environment.
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