AMC The Killing TV Series Has Survive Death With Netflix

Fact: The Killing, a crime and drama tv series, has defied death twice and may defy it a third time.

The Killing season 1 started off as an AMC darling when it first explored the Rosie Larsen murder in 2011, but when the show failed to deliver the killer in the season finale, it lost support from critics and fans. The Killing season 2 ended up revealing the killer and the tv network put an end to the show. So AMC made a re-shot for the ending as the series finale. 

Protests from devoted fans and a new following on Netflix caused AMC to bring the show back from the dead. However, ratings were again subpar and the show was put down a second time, with an open ending. Netflix doesn’t like airing shows with no series ending, so they commissioned a fourth season for the franchise and the final season with a proper ending will be airing on Netflix. So if you’re a fan of The Killing, you’ll soon be in luck with another season to binge, but as to when it’ll be released is anyone’s guess right now. 

But don’t think it’s over. Netflix has already said that while they are promoting this as the final season of, The Killing, if there proves to be enough of a demand, Holder and Linden could come back from a fifth season.

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