
Wahlbergs Name Tossed Around For Transformers 4 Age of Extinction

Fact: Michael Bay wasn’t supposed to make Transformers 4 Age of Extinction. He also claimed that Mark Wahlberg has been…

11 years ago

‘Draw Me Like One of Your French Models’ Facts About The Titanic

Fact: James Cameron created the famous naked sketch of Rose that was supposedly drawn by Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic. We…

11 years ago

Expendables 2 ‘Billy the Kid’ Was Originally Offered to Lautner

Fact: In Expendables 2, the role of the sniper-trained Billy the Kid, was offered to Taylor Lautner and not to…

11 years ago

Casino Royale Was The One Film Cleared For Chinese Censors

Fact: Casino Royale became the first film from the James Bond series to be cleared by Chinese censors. The 2006…

11 years ago

Vin Diesel Guardians of The Galaxy Records Line 1000 Times

Fact: Vin Diesel recorded the same line over 1,000 times for his character Groot in Guardians of The Galaxy. Vin…

11 years ago