Fact: The 4th installment of the Jurassic Park (Jurassic World) dinosaur film series has been rumored since 2007. Furthermore, there…
Fact: The 2014 Interstellar film was conceived by the same man who conceived Contact (Helen Hunt); Kip Thorne is a…
Fact: Michael Bay wasn’t supposed to make Transformers 4 Age of Extinction. He also claimed that Mark Wahlberg has been…
Fact: In Expendables 2, the role of the sniper-trained Billy the Kid, was offered to Taylor Lautner and not to…
Fact: Casino Royale became the first film from the James Bond series to be cleared by Chinese censors. The 2006…
Fact: Vin Diesel recorded the same line over 1,000 times for his character Groot in Guardians of The Galaxy. Vin…
Fact: Terminator Rise of the Machines almost broke even before it hit the box office. Next to public and critical…
Fact: To kill a vampire on the set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series, it cost $5,000 to kill…
Fact: Brad Pitt World War Z film (the Brad Pitt zombie movie) originally was supposed to end a completely different…
Facts: The name of the main character originally for Indiana Jones was called "Indiana Smith," thought up by George Lucas…