
Air Force One Film (1997) Unique Nickname Due To on Set Antics

Fact: Gary Oldman was known as villain Ivan Korshunov in the movie Air Force One Film (1997). Off set, Gary…

9 years ago

Kevin Costner Was Actually Written Into Air Force One

Fact: Kevin Costner Air Force One 1997 was the original cast actor for the part. He was written into the…

9 years ago

Goodfellas Ray Liotta Worked At A Cemetery Before Film

Fact: Before mafia movie Goodfellas Ray Liotta, he found himself working at a cemetery during his time at University of Miami.…

9 years ago

Originally Field Of Dreams 1989 Movie Went By Another Name

Fact: The original name of the movie was supposed to be “Shoeless Joe” instead of Field of Dreams 1989. Field…

9 years ago

After Martin Scorsese Overdose, The 1980 Film Raging Bull Saves His Life

Fact: Martin Scorsese overdosed prior to making Raging Bull and was known to battle substance abuse. Martin Scorsese drug use…

9 years ago